Lamb gets home late from work and Mieka is awake on the couch. He is surprised to see her and doesn’t know what to say. She is watching a classic movie with eerie orchestral arrangements. When Lamb closes the door Mieka stands and walks to the bedroom slowly without speaking. Lamb says something that sounds like “Goodnight.” Mieka disappears into the bedroom without saying a word. Lamb sits on the couch and stares at the television with a blank expression. He wonders if actually saw her just a moment ago and thinks he is going insane. He touches the cushion and imagines Mieka’s fading warmth. He feels he has no brain, just a skull with a few pennies sliding around the base of his head when he moves, the copper emitting just enough voltage to animate his limbs. Lamb straightens his arms out wide and yawns several times. He closes his eyes and begins to dream.

Mieka undresses and her ribs are fangs. Lamb watches her as she bites his ribs with hers. Lamb coughs and feels his larynx rattle against his spine. He lies on his back and lets her ribs devour his abdomen. He looks at Mieka and she smiles. Lamb smiles and watches her hair melt into her skin until she is bald. Her face folds into her face and soon there is no head on her body, only a fanged torso consuming his insides like a hungry lioness. Her legs wrap around his legs and she begins to squeeze. Lamb coughs again and stares at the ceiling. He sees the loose wires hanging from the smoke detector reach down from the ceiling brush against Mieka’s skin. The wires are fluid and move seductively, warm and tentacled in their motions, reaching towards his and Mieka’s tangled bodies. Lamb feels a pressure on his chest and cannot breathe. Mieka laughs through her ribs and Lamb cannot breathe. He looks for her face but his vision blurs. Everything grows silent except for their heartbeats, racing in unison. The wires entwine themselves around Mieka’s body, then his. Deep inside this cocoon, they sleep.

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